Xenon Group Logo

Enrolment Form

Personal Details


Course Selection

Choose your level

Choose your size


Payment Details

Enter discount code (if you have one)

Who will fund the course?

My employer will be funding my course
I will be funding the course myself

How will you be paying?

Bank Transfer
Card Payment
Monthly Payments
ELCAS funding for armed forces leavers

How will they be paying?

Bank Transfer
Card Payment

Where should we send the invoice?

Enter PO Number (if required)

Review and enrol
Edit your details

Enrolment Summary

Personal Details

Email Address:
Mobile Number:

Course Details


Payment Details

Payment Method:
Course Fee:
15% Discount Applied
IWFM Registration:
Monthly Payments: ()

Invoicing Details

Company Name:
Invoice Address:
PO Number:
Thank you!

Card Details

Course Fee:
IWFM Registration:

Enter your card details below

Thank you!

You're now enrolled onto your qualification. A member of our team will be in touch to arrange payment.

In the meantime, you should receive an email with login details for the Xenon Group Academy, where you'll be able to access course materials and submit assignments.

Remember, if you have any questions or queries just contact us. We'll be happy to help.

Good luck with your course!


It looks like you already have an account with us. If you're looking to upgrade your course, you'll need to do it from within the Academy system.

If you're not sure how to do this, please contact us on 0330 912 5400.

Oh no!

It looks as though there was a problem with your enrolment, probably something of a technical nature. Technology is wonderful - until it isn't!

Please contact us on 0330 912 5400 to let us know and we'll do our best to resolve the issue.